We are not sure that words can always save lives, but we know that silence can certainly kill
Last night this video "Kony 2012" were posted on nearly everyones profile on Facebok here in Sweden. It appeared on blogs even on this famous fashion blogs where almost everything is about buying and wearing the latest fashion on the market. These famous fashion blogs have a huge impact on some people. Well especially those people who choose to close their eyes and ears in front of these suffering people. We also have an impact on people though.
We all know and we are aware that the world is suffering. From watching the Tv or reading the News we can get a brief of what is going on out there. But reality is different and maybe some people were shocked that they did not know about Kony and his army from before.
We might think we have a full understanding of what is going on out there, but the truth is, most people know so little. There is so much more to learn. About a month ago I went to a lecture about Doctors without borders and the speaker told me so much about conflicts and tragedies that I had no idea about. And unfortunately we can blame media for that mainly. They have such an impact on people and therefore a huge authority and power that we need to become aware of. And these days it seems possible to reach out with information in other ways, information about reality and not just what says on TV, the radio or in the News, but to also have open ears and eyes for the people around us - at every circumstance. That is of course not obvious that we can believe in everything that we see or hear but it gives us a voice to use. That voice means power and every person can choose how they want to use it and for what reason.
We sometimes hear about tragedies when people or animals are suffering or getting really hurt. We feel bad about hearing it and sometimes so bad that we need to do something. I can already see that the video of Kony had that impact on people and I'm impressed how it got spread so quick just within a few hours of time. Facebook, blogs, twitter etc, are amazing these days in that perspective.
I did read some critical views on this idea and on this video. Some were annoyed that the organisation itself will raise so much money now and maybe not benefit the ones who actually need the help. And of course, everything has a back side, unfortunately.
I think it is necessary to be critical towards this kind of work becuase i can imagine how much money that just disappears when they are meant for charity. Projects-Abroad for example. An organization that is suppose to work for charity and has so many projects around the world. You pay a shitload of money to go out and help. I went with them to Ghana and I was many times disappointed You work for free and you see the money just disappears. Well of course I could see some changes, but for the prize that volunteers pay, it is ridiculous and although I got sponsored to go through Peace and Love, I felt bad, that they had to pay so much to mainly benefit the Projects-Abroad itself and not for those who needed it.
I would never go with them again, not even if I got sponsored. The people who worked within the organisation were soooo passionate about what they did, at least, the once I met and even they felt fooled by this organisation and wondered where all the money went.
But then I wonder, is it then better to do nothing? Better to be quiet? I really dont think so and therefore i still think that these organzations are so important, BUT WITH OUR VOICE SO THAT WE CAN PUT DEMANDS INTO THEIR WORK. WE NEED TO CRITICIZE THEM FOR SURE BUT ALSO ENCOURAGE THEM TO CONTINUE ON HELPING THE ONES WHO NEED IT.
I think the idea with the video was really brilliant because so many people did not know about this issue and already it has raised so much awareness. Awareness to use our voice!
We need more though. So much more. The world is complex, more than you can imagine. But to let yourself remember what you see and hear out there and to speak out about it, you can make people AWARE. Use your voice for the best, always.
The last thing the speaker for "Doctors Without Borders" said before ending the lecture was - We are not sure that words can always save lives, but we know that silence can certainly kill.
I agreeeeeeeeeeeeee! 

Postat av: Serhat
This is the power of viral advertisement! That video was kind of viral by it's nature and the way it spread on internet. But on the other hand it wasn't viral by it's aim. The main question is; Is the effect going to be short-durationed like many other viral advertisements or people are going to have enough awareness? I wish my second question becomes true!