Who said life was easy?
My neck is SOOOOO sore today and I can barely turn it without having to turn my whole body. Yes it is annoying and I just want to get rid of it, NOOOOOW. Period pain, headache, stomach pain, I think the only pain I really like is the one you get from exercising! It's a pleasant pain that you can accept, the rest is just mood-killing. The world is ending and no one understands you!!! Yes , I know many of you have been in that situation too.
Today I watched the show "After 10 with Malou" (Efter tio med Malou) and they were talking about how you can control your pain and how to relieve it with the right technique. The author of the book " Hjärnkoll på värk och smärta" was there to discuss. He said that the technique is simple, basicially just by controlling your thoughts, you feel much better. It's not about ignoring the pain but to concentrate your mind on something else, something fun or something that occupies your mind for a while so that you dont have to think about the pain. Or to actually turn the pain-thoughts into something more optimistic, haha sounds really weird but with some humour I think we all feel better. I've tried it and I know people in my surroundings have with chronical pain diseases. Pain every day. Some days can be really bad for these people and it's hard for them to avoid the pain and they need to complain about it - which is understandable but they know the pain is a part of their life, so they simply need to accept it - otherwise they will become victims.
If I ever get a chronical pain disease, I have promised myself to never become a victim of it - Because you have to deal with it!! Otherwise it just gets worse if you just feel sorry for yourself and complain about it. Trust me. One thought that always helps me is that there is always someone who is suffering more than I do.
Put some humor into the pain and just deal with it.
